

Ally Corporate Social Responsibility Report Art director/Designer – designed and created booklet and corporate design guidelines.
Art Director: New Powerpoint slide deck complete designs and diagrams.
Art Director: Conceptual development and prototyping of all corporate collateral and online media.  
Art Director: Branding, application and interface design, corporate collateral and online video development
Art Director: Branding, print ad campaigns, commercial displays, corporate collateral and video development
Art Director: Branding, corporate collateral and powerpoint slide deck development.
Art Director: Branding, website design, corporate collateral and online video development
Art Director: Branding, corporate collateral and powerpoint slide deck development.
Art Director: Complete branding, website design and development, create new Powerpoint decks with diagrams, sales sheets and product literature.
Art Director: Branding, website design, corporate collateral and powerpoint slide deck development.
Art Director: Conceptual development, branding and prototyping of software interface.